FVMat is a deep-tech startup, developing Meta-Materials via combining Multi-Physics simulation technology and Machine learning to create Physics and Manufacturing informed AI.

FVMat platform enables R&D workflow optimization. Our software accurately predicts and optimizes the performance of products, by simulating real-world conditions and providing precise results. By making previously unattainable designs feasible, FVMat unlocks New Revenue Streams.

We generate revenue through software licensing and consulting services, offering full Research & Development end-to-end solutions.


TRL 5&6
Initial Paying Customers
Collaboration with UC Berkeley
Starburst startup accelerator
JEC Startup Booster 2022 top 20 finalists out of 1800+ (2022)
X-PITCH competition top 150 out of 4000+ companies from 51 countries (2022)
XTC Global Finalists (2022)
POC in 3D Multi-Phase Printing – custom 3D Printing Head (2022)
PCT and Patents: USA, Europe, China, and Israel (2018-2022)
Plug and Play Japan New Materials Program (2022)
MAAGAD – Meta-Materials Israeli Consortium (2022)
i4Valley Funding (2022)
IN-VENTech acceleration program (2023)
Ansys Startup Program (2023)
Road2 startup accelerator (2024)


Our Social and Environmental Pledges


Doron Klepach, Founder and CEO of FVMat, Ph.D. in Computational Mechanics from UC Berkeley, and B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Technion
Ilya Beletsky, Chief Scientist at FVMat, with M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. in Physics and Aerospace Engineering, and B.A. in Computer Science and Biomedicine from Technion


Yaron Rosenstein, R&D Scientist at FVMat, with a Ph.D. in Applied Math and M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Technion
Alessia Perilli, R&D Scientist at FVMat, with a Ph.D. in Physics from Sapienza, M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Physics from L’Aquila Uni, and M.A. in Science Journalism from Ferrara Uni
Guy Ben-Dov, R&D Scientist at FVMat, with a Ph.D. and M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from Technion

The October 7 Massacre

On October 7, 2023, tragedy struck our nation, claiming countless innocent lives. In memory of Ilay Zisser, who defended our country and our people, the victims of the massacre, and all those who fell that day, we strive for their memorialization. We mourn them deeply and honor their legacy.

FVMat logo featuring the slogan 'Materials that Matter - Meta-Materials'